
Plastic Wood Plank Inspection
Rattan yarn
CNC Machine Line 1
Quality Inspection of Materials

Immerse In Our Varied Material Customisations

Whether for artificial rattan or wood materials, we add different colours, textures, patterns and other features of your choosing.

By customising our materials, we offer a stable supply of affordable material options to give your brand a distinct identity in the market.

Personalised Outdoor Experience by Bespoke Materials

Increased Design Options

Offering your consumers more product choices means increasing your market reach and business opportunities. We match the aesthetic of any outdoor space to decide on the colours and textures for our materials.

Ready for Sale

Our experienced staff will provide functional materials and marketing strategies based on our thorough market insights to help you attract more consumers and boost your revenue.

Exhibit Room 1

Proven Product Quality

Through constant testing and strict material auditing, we ensure our synthetic rattans and woods are resilient for outdoor usage while fulfilling your requirements to increase your customers’ loyalty.

Portfolio Diversity

Our custom materials can be used for outdoor furniture, indoor roofing, wall decoration, baskets, mats and planters, creating more product lines to make your brand a one-stop shop for your region.


Choose from our variety of organic rattan colour, grey, metallic, red, mixed colours and more to serve as your brand’s specific colour choices.


Our rattan options come in flat, round, sea grass, half moon and other shapes to diversify your manufacturing options and sell your brand’s distinct image.


We design and produce customised diagrams with differing widths and lengths up to 100 sizes to help you maintain a stable supply of any sized furniture your customers need.


For comfort and unique aesthetics, we customise our materials’ texture, be it hollow or solid, soft or hard rattan and woods


Attractive coating added to our materials, such as embossing, twisting or multi-line embossing,  prevents scratching and degradation, preserving the quality of your furniture.

Plastic Granules

Custom-made Materials: Your Winning Strategy

Standard Process

We carefully review and modify your customization requirements and offer professional advice to make the customization more relevant to your market.

Sample Service

Within 3-7 days we provide free samples and free molds to help save time in your manufacturing process.

Prompt Delivery

We deliver within your deadlines thanks to the high efficiency of our smart CNC and semi-automated production.

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